How long will a Wood Floor last?

How long will any sort of wood flooring last depends on a quite a number of components. Considering the lean towards wooden flooring over the last several years due to modernization and the natural look it shows in terms of ambience, the longevity factor will decrease for those choosing them. Why? Because they are designed primarily for stability.

The building and establishment is much different than that of other floorings. Another element in how long wooden floors will last depends on what happens before that actual hardwood floor installation. Wood flooring needs the ideal conditions that include floor preparation and acclimation. Also proper installation methods is also a topic of concern. 

Now if we look at the floor preparation problem; the underlying sub floor needs to be flat. Other factors deciding durability is the floor care. Not only does it starts with daily maintenance but also on what types of cleaners are being used. Many people usually opt. by ancient home methods of cleaning floors. They basically use vinegar and water.. Over a certain period of time it will break finishes down depending on how much amount we are using and may require floors to be refinished at shorter interval of time, thus diminishing the overall life of your hardwood floors.

For advice about the best wood flooring for your home feel free to contact our Lignum's website. Contact Lignum Floors to request your no obligation or hussle free samples or visit our website for a closer look.


Our Services

Wood Floor Refurbishment

Wood floors if installed with precision once can last a lifetime. But sometimes they are subjected to scratches and basic damages. Lignum offers wood floor  refurbishment in Dubai and make it look good as new.

Wood floor cleaning: 

In our day to day life due to increase in pollution, a considerate amount of dust and micro organisms accumulate on our flooring's scratches and joints. Wood flooring if provided proper cleaning can definitely last a decade or more. We at Lignum offer deep cleaning and refreshments. The maintenance purely depends on how the floor is used or treated. 

To know more about our service do visit our website or click here..!


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