How to choose your fragrance?

It has always been a tough job to choose a fragrance that you will embrace and love for years. In the world of Pairfum whether you are a 'Cognosenti' or a layman for perfumes and fragrances, searching for a perfect scent that'll suit your personality and satisfy your smell buds can be quite a difficult task. When you go to a store for the same, you only information you seek is the shape of the bottles which for sure doesn't nurture you with any assistance. You them sniff few of them out of hundreds of bottles available with the help of the salesman which eventually doesn't help you much. A particular bottle of perfume that you love becomes a part of you, an addendum of yourself. But how do you reach to it? Either you have a couple of minutes to search before you go shopping in a mall or store, or you're thinking of picking the perfect one on the fly, here a are few tips on how to pick a prefect perfume for you that you'll adore for years to come. Do your res...