Do I need to wear sunscreen when I’m indoors?

People tend to think that if they get up straight from bed, get ready and slip into their car for work without any contact with the sunlight, they don’t require sunscreen. Or maybe it is Sunday morning and you are crashed in your couch binge-watching series with zero intention of moving out so you need not put on any sunscreen. But do you need sunscreen in such conditions? OR is that just a misconception? You may be setting up your skin for higher rates of skin cancer or tanning if not using sunscreen in such a condition. The reason behind this is the glass although blocks most of the UV rays but does not block all of it. To get this comprehended better, let’s understand the difference between UVA and UVB rays first. UVA rays are something to do with the aging of skin cells, wrinkles, sunspots, etc. ON the other hand, UVB rays are responsible for damaging the DNA in skin cells and sunburn and cause most skin cancers. Now the glass used in cars, homes, and office windows only...